The Goal is set. Help us create the Compton Multi-Cultural Equestrian Center and expand the Richland Farms promise.

Community Engagement

Learn more about the community work our organization has been doing and how you can be a part of it.


Learn more about the great events we have been able to put together to foster unity, belonging, and pride among individuals of all ages and cultures. (Currently Updating)

Youth Programs

Learn more about our the youth programs we currently offer and how you can enroll your child.

Call to Action!

We ask for everyone’s support in sharing our story and joining the fight! Come out and support during our second city council meeting presentation as we ask our city officials for the opportunity to access the site and begin turning our vision for a positive change, a reality.

Sign up with your email for updates to all our upcoming events and important dates.

Strength in the Collective

Amidst the notorious reputation for NWA, gang violence, and corruption, Connecting Compton views this city as more than its stereotypes. For us, Compton is home—a place that nurtures our unique lifestyle, steeped in cultural heritage and traditions.